
Mohammed Akkaoui 👋

A Passionate Data Analyst & Web Specialist having 7+ years of Experiences and worked with clients from 14+ Countries Worldwide.

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Client For:



Product Design, and Development

#coming soon


For my project, I developed a multi-vendor e-commerce platform using Laravel 10, which serves as a complete solution for building an online marketplace. This project combines advanced features like multi-authentication (Admin, Vendor, User), advanced product management, multi-payment gateways, and order management, allowing multiple vendors to sell products on the same platform.

Key Features:

  • Multi-vendor support: Allowing vendors to register, manage their products, and process orders.
  • Product search and filtering: A robust system for searching products with advanced filtering options.
  • Coupon and discount system: Enabling admins and vendors to create discount offers and coupon codes for customers.
  • Product variants and multi-image uploads: Supporting products with multiple variants and images for a richer shopping experience.
  • Order management and tracking: Vendors and admins can efficiently manage and track orders.
  • User reviews and ratings: Implemented for customers to rate products and share feedback.
  • Shipping rules: Configurable shipping options and rules based on regions or product categories.
  • Dynamic newsletters and advertisements: Engaging customers with dynamic newsletters and managing advertisements for promotions.

The platform also includes essential features like a wishlist, transaction history, and blog management for vendor marketing. This project allowed me to apply advanced Laravel concepts and best practices, ensuring that the platform is not only feature-rich but also scalable and secure.

With the completion of this project, I have honed my skills in Laravel, PHP, and web application development, positioning myself for advanced roles in the tech industry.
